Monday, January 17, 2011

Time to Try Harder

After struggling to put my jeans on last night to go out and not feeling very good about myself in my own clothes, I've decided that just doing the exercise is not cutting it!  I think it's time to really start focusing on all the things I'm eating!  I seem to eat much more when I'm not busy and I don't really think too much about the mindless eating.  

I think it's time for me to start keeping track of what I'm eating.  To do this I'm going to use a calorie tracker online and maybe even keep a food journal that I can write down what I eat when I'm not near a computer.  Today, I want to just keep track of how many calories I'm eating on average to see what a good daily calorie goal would be for me!

Another thing that may help with the mindless eating is for me to go out and take a walk or do something productive when I feel the urge to eat out of boredom.  I really think this will keep my mind off the food and hopefully get some productive things done as well!

I'm really hoping cutting back and keeping track of my daily calorie intake will really help me start to feel and look better!

It's definitely time to try harder!!!



  1. I don't know if you've already made your mind up on which source to use, but I use
    and if you need to know where your numbers should be I can always ask Will...your numbers meaning, protein, etc...
    Good luck!

  2. Thanks for the info! I actually found an app on my phone that corresponds to online, so I'm going to try that for awhile!
