Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bring on 2011

I'm hoping 2011 brings great things in my life, so I'm starting this blog to hopefully capture all the greatness for me to reflect on in the future!

I don't really like to make New Year's Resolutions because every year I have trouble keeping them, so this year there are some things I would like to accomplish, but I just want to see them as goals to reach either in this coming year or whenever they may happen!

The first and most important goal I am setting for myself is to get in shape.  With that, I hope to shed some pounds and feel more comfortable about my body, but I want to do this in a healthy way with proper diet (no fad diets or diet pills) and plenty of exercise!  I plan to achieve this goal by eating less processed foods, more fruits and veggies, and by joining an exercise class or two!  Now the reason I don't consider this a New Year's Resolution is because I've tried to already start working towards my goal.  I have been taking my dog, Rosey, to walk at The Riverwalk.  I have really enjoyed going down there!  I also got a Wii and Wii Fit that I have been using as a fun way to motivate myself to play while also working on toning parts of my body!  The Wii Fit also helps me keep track of the work I've done and how my body is changing!  So bring on the sweat and hard work as I strive to get in shape!

The next goal I'm setting is to work to find a full-time job.  I love my current position, but after doing it for two years, I really need to push myself more to get classroom experience and move into a more professional role. With that, I also need to start preparing myself for grad school.  I know I want to go back and get my Master's, but I've been struggling to decide what I would like to study.  The first thing to get myself on the right track is to take the GRE and apply, so that's what I must start doing to work to achieve this goal!  So bring on the resumes and applications as I work to get a full-time job and get back to school!

I want to also better myself spiritually.  I've always had my own connection and relationship with God, but I would like to strengthen this relationship and feel like I'm leading my life in a more Godly way!  To achieve this goal I want to start attending church more regularly and push myself to continue reading the Bible and finish it in a timely manner.  With that, I hope to also become a better friend, daughter, sister, and mother (to my 4-legged child).  So bring on the hymns and reflection as I strive to build my relationship with the Lord!

My last goal (for now) is to put myself out there more to hopefully be lucky in love.  I'm ready to settle down and find someone to share my life with, but I have not been having the best of luck in the past few years.  Recently I joined an online dating site in hopes that trying something new will get different results.  As of right now, I haven't had too much luck, but here's hoping 2011 and beyond will bring the luck I've been looking for and the man of my dreams!  So bring on the first dates and first kisses (hopefully) as I strive to be lucky in love!

Along with all these goals I have set for myself, I want to try Project 365 this year to help keep a sort of photo journal of 2011.  This includes taking a photo every day of the year and posting it with the date and a comment of what that day involved through the picture!  Hope I can keep up with it and create and wonderful photo journal of 2011!  I also hope I'll be willing to keep up with this blog.  I've tried starting blogs for the past few years and then end up not having anything to say, so I just give up on it.  Here's hoping I can focus on my goals and update this blog with how my journey is progressing!

Happy New Year to all!  And may you all reach goals right along with me!



  1. You are so awesome :) We have some of the same New Year's resolutions so hopefully we can help each other! Love you! Mallory :)

  2. I'm with you all the way! I'm adding your blog to mine, so I can keep track. If you need support, help, guidance with anything I am here. Amy Kuenzel
