Monday, January 17, 2011

Weekend Happenings

Well the snow/ice are almost gone.  I can't believe that there is still some on the ground a week later!  That never happens around here.  Usually it disappears the next day.

My weekend turned out to be a bit more eventful than I originally thought it might be!  On Friday, I took Rosey down to the Riverwalk for nice long walk to get her out of the house and some exercise for us both!  I was surprised by all the snow still lingering around the path and the ice that was still on the path and bridges (Rosey almost made me slip a few times!).  That night, I went out for dinner to San Jose!  Yay for some Mexican (it was my choice)!  Can't say that was the best food choice, but it was certainly yummy!  After dinner, I started watching Modern Family from the beginning...I really enjoy this show!

Saturday started with Jazzercise class!  During class, one of my best friends Lacy asked me to grab dinner with her...Finally we could get together and celebrate her Birthday!  We had a great time and meal at Copper River!  I did pretty good by ordering a salad and soup, and it's always good to get out with a great friend!

I didn't make it to church on Sunday morning because Mallory was taking care of her mother after her recent surgery and I don't feel very comfortable going by myself, but I did take some time to connect with God.  I decided to take Rosey down the Riverwalk again for another long walk.  There were many people out there, probably because the weather was much nicer!  I think Rosey had a good time mingling with some of the other dogs out there!  I got together with some friends for trivia late last night at Wild Wings.  We try to go whenever we have a Monday off because it doesn't start until around 11pm and goes on for a couple hours.  We really have a great time every time we go!!!

Today I'm enjoying my last day off, and plan on going to Jazzercise tonight!  I'm actually really looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow!  I've missed my students and the work we've been doing!

Here's hoping for a great week ahead!


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