Friday, January 14, 2011

The Meltdown

Well after many days of snow and ice, the meltdown is almost complete!  Everything was pretty much melted on Wednesday, but after driving to Mom's house that night in Lexington, I found that many places were still dealing with much more that needed to melt!  Here are some pictures around my house on Wednesday:

Yes those are Christmas lights still hanging on my house! LOL!
They were taken down yesterday though!!!  Yay me!

Yesterday, I went back to work.  The students still have off until Tuesday, but us teachers had to go in for in-service.  We had a professional development on teaching vocabulary.  Not extremely exciting, but I learned some new things that I can try when we go back next week!  No work today because I don't usually work on Fridays, and no work Monday because of MLK day!  So I have a long weekend ahead of me and no real plans!  After getting three extra days off this week, I'm no so sure a long uneventful weekend will be that great...I may be super bored!

I finally made it back to Jazzercise after many days of it being cancelled due to the weather!  We had class last night and it felt good to sweat!  Even though I did pretty well doing two workouts at home when I couldn't go to class!  Since I was stuck at home for so many days, I didn't do so well at eating because I eat so much more when I'm just sitting around bored, but hopefully I'll do better when my schedule goes back to normal!

The temperatures are supposed to warm back up this weekend, so here's hoping everything will continue melting and all will go back to normal!


1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear the snow is melting, when I first read your blog heading, I was like oh no E has had a meltdown!
    Have a super weekend, hope it's eventful!
